Why “How” Matters MORE Than “What”!

Don's Golden Nuggets
2 min readSep 27, 2019


The words I’m saying now are the words I wish my younger self would’ve been told. 🗣️

He was told MANY times to stop caring about what other people thought. He was told MANY times to stop people pleasing. 🛑

But he didn’t know how… 😞

🗣️ “What do you mean ‘how’? You just do it, Donald!” 🗣️

I get what you mean, and to a large extent I agree with you. “Just do it and you’ll figure out the How once you get there”, right? 👍

But I’ll share with you an alternative perspective I’ve also learned. 📖

You see, sometimes what people need the most is NOT to hear the solution. In fact, people like my younger self heard the solution MANY times! 😅

No, what they actually need is a map to navigate themselves, a compass to direct their emotions and intellect towards the solution. 🧭

In other words, they don’t need the answer to the “What?” They need the answer to the “How?” 🙌

🌟 It’s hard to focus on a destination when you don’t know where you are on the map. It’s hard to focus on a solution when you don’t know where you’re supposed to be starting. 🌟

You can tell a person all you want to fish. But if they’ve never been taught how to fish, how do you expect them to start?! 😅

🌟 You can’t expect someone to know what they don’t know. 🌟

I wish my younger self had answers to all the Hows I know today. I wish I could’ve told him gems like how someone else’s opinion didn’t have to become his reality. 💬

I’ll leave you with one statement, however blunt, that’s a reminder for me how silly it is to worry about what others think…

🤯 If you worry what other people think, you’re letting someone else’s imagination control your reality. 🤯

And I know you wouldn’t want that, right?! ❤️

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